Sunday 4 November 2012

Our marvellous mind

Sigmund Freud has sculpted a glorious theory of conscious and unconscious mind almost a century ago. Up to this day it is still one of the most important achievements in psychological studies.

I have discovered that Daniel Kahneman offers a new detailed and insightful approach to this theory in his book “Thinking, fast and slow”. He introduces a reader to two main stars of the book: System 1 and System 2.

System 1 is the impulsive side of our mind, one that acts quickly and does not require any effort. On the other hand, System 2 is slow, effortful and analytical. Kahneman explains the interaction between the two and the way they operate in great detail. Although he uses scientific terms, the book is easy to read as they are explained in advance.

It is a fascinating book for anyone interested in why we think the way we do. 

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